Python & Jupyter Basics#

Why Python?#

  • Python is open source.

  • Python is a high-productivity language: do more with less code.

  • Python is interpreted and portable, like Matlab, so no need to compile your code for it to run.

  • Python is highly human readable and popular. Currently there are 500,000+ Python packages on the Python Package Index (PyPI).

“How to install external python libs on my laptop / desktop?”#

To best way to get the scientific Python environment is using the Conda package management system. Please follow the official installation guide for installing on

Hello world#

print("Hello world!")
Hello world!

Comparison between Python, C, and Matlab#

  • Python uses 0 based ordering

  • Python uses # sign for commenting

  • Python determines block size based on indentation, i.e., no end or } to close a block

Python vs C vs Matlab

Figure: Python vs C vs Matlab


Jupyter is a webserver, for interactive computing across all programming languages.

When you run it on your laptop (Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab), you can directly interact with the webserver from your browser.
When you are remote, you just communicate HTML (and serialized data) back and forth from your browser to the webserver.

Reproducibility & Extensibility#

It is fast and efficient.
Jupyter allows you to save your work in a notebook (ipynb), so you can share your work with other people simply by sharing your notebook file. Other people can use it and extend it for their own purposes.

A Jupyter Notebook is composed of cells. A Cell could have three types#

  • Code cell contains Python code

  • Markdown cell has Markup language and can be used for notes/comments

  • Raw cell has simple text


Figure: Cell types

How to run a cell?#

To run a cell in a notebook. Click on the cell and press: Shift+return

Running a cell

Figure: Running a cell

How to run a shell command within a cell?#

# list the content of within the current directory

0_Prerequisites_1_unix.ipynb                     _build
0_Prerequisites_2_python_jupyter.ipynb           _config.yml
0_Prerequisites_3_ncar_account_jupyterhub.ipynb  images
2_run_CESM_in_4steps_exercises.ipynb             requirements.txt
3_analyze_CESM_output.ipynb                      _toc.yml

More learning resources (optional)#