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2. Running CESM in Four Steps - Exercises#

Tutorial at the 2024 paleoCAMP | June 18–July 1, 2024

Jiang Zhu
Climate & Global Dynamics Laboratory
NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research

Learning Objectives:

  • Run simple CESM simulations

  • Gain hands-on skills on customizing the run length and namelists

  • Know the importance of validating your numerical experiments

  • Understand the idea of more complex simulation by examining steps to set up an LGM simulation

Time to learn: 60 minutes

How to get started?

Option 1: Launch a terminal from the JupyterHub and chose Derecho during login

Start the JupyterHub with the Derecho node and the develop queue
JupyterHub Derecho login

Launch a terminal within the JupyterHub
JupyterHub terminal

Option 2 (most commonly used): use terminal from your system directly

ssh -XY

Derecho SSH

REMINDER: CESM directories

  • Source Code Directory (“Headquarter”): /glade/work/jiangzhu/paleocamp/cesm2.1.5/

  • Case Directory (“Production Control Room”): ~/YOUR_CASENAME or /glade/u/home/YOUR_USERNAME/YOUR_CASENAME

  • Run directory (“Factory”): /glade/derecho/scratch/YOUR_USERNAME/YOUR_CASENAME/run

  • Archive directory (“Storage”): /glade/derecho/scratch/YOUR_USERNAME/archive/YOUR_CASENAME/

2.1. Task 1: run a fully coupled preindustrial simulation for one year#

2.1.1. Hints:#

  • What are the four steps?

  • What is the compset for fully coupled preindustrial?

  • Use resolution of f19_g17 for fast throughput

  • Following the CESM naming conventions, use b.e21.B1850.f19_g17.piControl.001 as the case name

  • Which XML variable should you change to tell the model to run for one year? (do this before ./case.submit)

  • It may take ~16 minutes to finish the one-year simulation.

Click here for the solution

1. create a new case: go into the scripts directory in the CESM Code and run the create_newcase command

cd /glade/work/jiangzhu/paleocamp/cesm2.1.5/cime/scripts
./create_newcase --case ~/b.e21.B1850.f19_g17.piControl.001 --compset B1850 --res f19_g17 --project UAZN0035

2. case setup: go into the Case Directory and run case.setup

cd ~/b.e21.B1850.f19_g17.piControl.001

3. case build: stay in the Case Directory and run (change the run length using xmlchange)

./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears,STOP_N=1

4. Build and submit


2.1.2. Further information#

  • Building the executable may take more than 10 minutes.

  • While you wait, open a second terminal and practice your Unix commands (such as cd, ls, and grep) by visiting your directories of “Production Control Room”, “Factory”, and “Headquarter”, and see what are there.

  • After submitting the job, use qstat -u YOUR_USERNAME to check the status of your job.

  • Once the model is running, select one of your favorite components and read the log file (in the Run Directory, “Factory”) and see what the model is doing.

2.2. Task 2: run a fully coupled mid-Holocene simulation with the orbital forcing for one year#

2.2.1. Hints:#

  • Use compset B1850 and edit user_nl_cpl to set up the orbital configuration (no mid-Holocene compset available)

  • Following the CESM naming conventions, use b.e21.B1850.f19_g17.midHolocene.001 as the case name

  • According to Table 1 of Otto-Bliesner et al., (2017), Eccentricity = 0.018682, Obliquity (degrees) = 24.105, Perihelion = 0.87 (for simplicity, we don’t consider the other forcings here, i.e., CO2)

    • In the CESM world, this means

      • orb_mode = “fixed_parameters”

      • orb_eccen = 0.018682

      • orb_obliq = 24.105

      • orb_mvelp = 0.87

    • Search orb_ here to learn more

  • Use Unix editor vi/emacs/nano; Or, in JupyterHub, find user_nl_cpl from the left sidebar, click to open, edit, and save

  • These namelist changes can be done after but before case.submit

Click here for the solution

1. create a new case: go into scripts directory in the CESM Code and run the create_newcase command

cd /glade/work/jiangzhu/paleocamp/cesm2.1.5/cime/scripts
./create_newcase --case ~/b.e21.B1850.f19_g17.midHolocene.001 --compset B1850 --res f19_g17  --project UAZN0035

2. case setup: go into the Case Directory and run case.setup

cd ~/b.e21.B1850.f19_g17.midHolocene.001

3. case build: stay in the Case Directory and run

  • Add the following to user_nl_cpl

 orb_mode = "fixed_parameters"
 orb_eccen = 0.018682
 orb_obliq = 24.105
 orb_mvelp = 0.87
  • Change run length and build the case

./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears,STOP_N=1

4. Build and submit


2.3. Task 3: how to validate your simulation setup#

2.3.1. Hints:#

  • Going through the log files (in the RUN directory, aka “Factory”) is one way to see how the model is being run.

  • Examining *_in files (e.g., CasesDocs/drv_in in the Case Directory) is another way to check the setup.

Click here for the solution
  1. If you want to check the log file,, in the Run Directory (when model is still running) or in your Storage Directory (when the simulation and archiving have finished).

vi /glade/derecho/scratch/jiangzhu/archive/b.e21.B1850.f19_g17.midHolocene.001/logs/cpl.log.3950708.desched1.240330-011322.gz

type /orb_params to search, you should see the following

 (shr_orb_params) Calculate characteristics of the orbit:
 (shr_orb_params) Calculate orbit for year:     -4050
 (shr_orb_params) ------ Computed Orbital Parameters ------
 (shr_orb_params) Eccentricity      =   1.868182E-02
 (shr_orb_params) Obliquity (deg)   =   2.410538E+01
 (shr_orb_params) Obliquity (rad)   =   4.207183E-01
 (shr_orb_params) Long of perh(deg) =   8.696128E-01
 (shr_orb_params) Long of perh(rad) =   3.156770E+00
 (shr_orb_params) Long at v.e.(rad) =  -5.751115E-04

Try also grep shr_orb_params YOUR_cpl.log

  1. If you want to check the drv_in file

vi /glade/u/home/jiangzhu/b.e21.B1850.f19_g17.midHolocene.001/CaseDocs/drv_in

type /orb_ to search, you should see the following

   orb_eccen = 0.018682
   orb_mode = "fixed_parameters"
   orb_mvelp = 0.87
   orb_obliq = 24.105

Try also grep orb_ CaseDocs/drv_in in the Case Directory

2.4. Summary#

  • Set up and run a CESM simulation in four steps

  • Customize the simulation with xmlchange and namelist change

  • See below for how to set up a much more complicated paleo simulation (but still with the same four steps)

2.5. Advanced module: recreate Jiang’s CESM2-PaleoCalibr LGM simulation#

  • The goal is to show you how a complicated paleo simulation is done.

  • Be aware that many efforts went to develop the LGM boundary conditions(not shown here), which may take months.

  • Still four steps(!), but with more XML and namelist changes to apply the paleoclimate boundary conditions.

2.5.1. Create new case#

  • A long-format compset was used to have more precise control of how I want to run each component

cd /glade/u/home/cmip6/cesm_tags/release-cesm2.1.1/cime/scripts
./create_newcase --case ~/cesm/cases/b.e21.B1850.f19_g17.PaleoCalibr.21ka.02 --res f19_g17 --compset 1850_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE_POP2_RTM_SGLC_SWAV --run-unsupported

2.5.2. case setup#

  • I have FORTRAN code changes that need to be put into SourceMods/

  • I specify how many CPUs to use for each component for a better computation performance

  • Lots of xmlchange to take care of the different land sea distribution due to the lowered sea level at the LGM

cd ~/cesm/cases/b.e21.B1850.f19_g17.PaleoCalibr.21ka.02

cp /glade/work/jiangzhu/data/inputdata/cesm2_21ka/gx1v7_overflow    SourceMods/src.pop/
cp /glade/work/jiangzhu/data/inputdata/cesm2_21ka/gx1v7_region_ids  SourceMods/src.pop/
cp /glade/u/home/jiangzhu/cesm/backup/nimax_limiterA/micro_mg2_0.F90 SourceMods/

./xmlchange NTASKS_ICE=540,NTHRDS_ICE=2,ROOTPE_ICE=360
./xmlchange NTASKS_OCN=180,NTHRDS_OCN=2,ROOTPE_OCN=900

./xmlchange RUN_TYPE=startup

./xmlchange ATM_DOMAIN_PATH=/glade/work/jiangzhu/data/inputdata/cesm2_21ka
./xmlchange LND_DOMAIN_PATH=/glade/work/jiangzhu/data/inputdata/cesm2_21ka
./xmlchange OCN_DOMAIN_PATH=/glade/work/jiangzhu/data/inputdata/cesm2_21ka
./xmlchange ICE_DOMAIN_PATH=/glade/work/jiangzhu/data/inputdata/cesm2_21ka

./xmlchange ATM2OCN_FMAPNAME=$inputdata_dir/
./xmlchange ATM2OCN_SMAPNAME=$inputdata_dir/
./xmlchange ATM2OCN_VMAPNAME=$inputdata_dir/
./xmlchange OCN2ATM_FMAPNAME=$inputdata_dir/
./xmlchange OCN2ATM_SMAPNAME=$inputdata_dir/
./xmlchange ROF2OCN_FMAPNAME=$inputdata_dir/
./xmlchange ROF2OCN_LIQ_RMAPNAME=$inputdata_dir/
./xmlchange ROF2OCN_ICE_RMAPNAME=$inputdata_dir/


2.5.3. case build#

  • I usually set up namelist changes before running

  • user_nl_cpl: orbital change

orb_iyear   = -19050
orb_mode    = 'fixed_year'
  • user_nl_cam: GHG, topography with added ice sheets, and model cloud parameter tuning

bnd_topo    = '/glade/work/jiangzhu/data/inputdata/'
scenario_ghg= 'FIXED'
co2vmr      = 190e-6
ch4vmr      = 375e-9
n2ovmr      = 200e-9
f11vmr      = 0.0
f12vmr      = 0.0

micro_mg_num_steps  = 8
dust_emis_fact      = 0.55D0
clubb_gamma_coef    = 0.275D0
  • user_nl_pop changes: ocean bathymetry, land-sea mask, and initial condition

topography_file     = '/glade/work/jiangzhu/data/inputdata/cesm2_21ka/topography_21ka_200623.ieeei4'
region_mask_file    = '/glade/work/jiangzhu/data/inputdata/cesm2_21ka/region_mask_21ka_200623.ieeei4'
ebm_param_option    = 'internal'

init_ts_file        = '/glade/work/jiangzhu/data/inputdata/cesm2_21ka/'
init_ts_file_fmt    = 'nc'
init_ts_option      = 'file'
init_iage_init_file = '/glade/work/jiangzhu/data/inputdata/cesm2_21ka/'
init_iage_init_file_fmt = 'nc'
init_iage_option    = 'file'
overflows_restfile  = '$'
  • user_nl_clm: land surface data change to reflect the LGM ice sheets, and remove anthropogenic processes

fsurdat = '/glade/work/jiangzhu/data/inputdata/'
finidat = '/glade/work/jiangzhu/data/restart/i.e21.I1850C5.f19_g17.21ka.01/'

popdensmapalgo = 'nn'
  • user_nl_rtm: initial condition for river is being set here

finidat_rtm = '/glade/work/jiangzhu/data/restart/b.e12.B1850C5.f19_g16.i21ka.03/0901-01-01/'
rtm_effvel  = 'NULL'
  • user_nl_cice: bathymetry for the sea ice model, as well as the initial condition

kmt_file    = '/glade/work/jiangzhu/data/inputdata/topography_21ka_200623.ieeei4'
ice_ic      = 'default'

2.5.4. submit job#

  • The model runs 46 years per wallclock day, so STOP_N=20 works well (20 years can be finished within the limit of JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME of 12 hours)

./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears,REST_OPTION=nyears
./xmlchange STOP_N=20,REST_N=10
./xmlchange RESUBMIT=4
./xmlchange JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME=12:00:00